Winter Offer
Astronic are offering a Winter Promotion. We are offering a 10% discount on all of our services for a limited period of time. So if you need any electrical issues what better time to your problem.
We are also offering a further 5% discount if you live within a 3 mile radius.
To qualify for this offer please quote the reference number below either when you call or fill out our contact form.

Safety in the home
It has become clear that many homes do not meet with today’s recommended wiring standards. One of the main deficiencies is inadequate earthing, especially in properties with wiring over 10 – 15 years old.
We regularly see examples of poor electrical wiring in the home, so that’s why we’re offering a free visual wiring inspection to homeowners.
All too often, it’s a case of “out of sight out of mind”, especially if everything seems to be working normally. How often do you make do with adapters and extension cables rather than investing in additional sockets? Many older installations were not intended to cope with the number of electrical appliances now found in the average home.
Our technical advisers are fully qualified electrical engineers and can visit your home giving you an expert opinion on the condition of your wiring. Should any work be necessary, following the visual check, we would be pleased to provide a no obligation quotation.
free service limited only for a short period, please phone only between 8am and 5pm Mon. to Fri. and Sat 9am till 1am FREE on 0800 037 1078. Technical Adviser will call only by appointment.
Yours Faithfully
Stanley Goupall Associated Technician IIE
The Institution of Electrical Incorporated Engineers IEIE
PS Free visual wiring check is not a detailed check of your wiring. Astronic Ltd can also provide a comprehensive detailed report of your electrical system.